How To Setup Devise and OmniAuth for Your Rails Application

The majority of Ruby on Rails applications require registration and authentication mechanisms, building them from scratch requires time effort and precision,  and if not done right it can expose your application to security breaches, thankfully there is Devise. This gem is so flexible and versatile that you can set up a really robust and powerful authentication system within […]

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How I Built a Sinatra Web App In 10 steps

Creating a web application from scratch can be intimidating at first, but not necessary hard, I just finished building a really cool expense tracking web application called “Expensy”, and even though it took me a couple of days to get it completely working, I thought  it was going to be harder, but by following certain steps, […]

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5 Steps to Solving Programming Problems

Solving problems is a programmer’s bread and butter, and everyone has their own method, I personally found 5 steps that most likely than not will help you, not only to solve problems but to do it faster and more efficiently. 1. Read the problem several times until you can explain it to someone else This is […]

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Building a Ruby CLI Gem From Scratch

Let me start by saying that one thing I understand now is, as programmers, we don’t need to recreate the wheel, there are a lot of tools we can use to make our life easier in terms of building our projects. For this particular project Bundler will create our gemspec file by simply typing: gem bundler <gem name> […]

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